
bonjour j'ai un contrôle demain sur ça il faut au moins 30 lignes, si vous pouvez le faire je met le maximum de point a selui qui aura le meilleure. Merci d'avance. la consigne est ci-dessous :
pouvoir écrire une légende, un conte au passé (lexique
de la description,
pronoms relatifs, prétérit simple et prétérit en be + V-
ing, voix passive)​

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Réponse :

Le texte ci-dessous

Explications :

Once upon a time , a great knight tried to save a princess. His name was Arthur , he was tall and thin , he had some dark blue eyes and he wore an iron armor. He looked like he was old but he was very young. This knight knew that he will have to kill the dragon to save his princess. He was determined , he rode a beautiful and astonishing black horse , and he galloped until the sunrise . But the dragon were awake , it started to fly in the sky and thrown some fire all over the field. The field was burning . The knight ran away , at this moment he knew to he have no chance to fight the dragon in face to face . After that , he came back the second day and he made the dragon sleep with the herbs which the witch gave it to him

The dragon was asleep , So he Took off his armor and went quietly to the castle . He went up all the stairs and finally saved his princess . Ultimately, he kissed her

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