
Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp

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Réponse :

CONJUGAISO N 17 points

1. Recopiez les phrases. Pour chaque phrase, soulignez l’erreur et écrivez la phrase correcte. 6 PTS

a. Peter didn’t sing very well.

b. Did Anne study French?

c. We did not go to school yesterday.

d. Harry run very fast.

e. Did Susan see you?

f. I did keep an eye on Susan in the park.

2. Recopiez les phrases et conjuguez les verbes suivants au prétérit simple. 2 PTS

a. My mother came early.

b. Did you play tennis yesterday?

c. They .didn't go to the seaside last weekend.

d. Jack opened his brother’s letter.

3. Recopiez les phrases et conjuguez les verbes suivants au prétérit be-ing. 2 PTS

a. The children were playing in the garden.

b. What were you doing last night at ten?

c. I wasn't trying to cheat!

d. My father was repairing the car when he hurt himself.

4. Recopiez les phrases et conjuguez les verbes des phrases soit au prétérit simple, soit au prétérit be-ing. 6 PTS

a. Sarah slept for ten hours last night.

b. While we were doing the shopping, we met our French teacher!

c. My child were playing in the garden when the postman arrived.

d. Where did you go on holidays last summer?

5. Reformulez cette phrase en utilisant “while” tout en conservant son sens. 1 PT

► Last night, while Jim was driving back home, the storm broke out


1. Recopiez ces verbes, conjuguez- les au prétérit simple et indiquez à côté leur prononciation en [t] ou [d].Faîtes comme le modèle du a. 4 PTS

a. share → …. […] e. pack shared son d/packed son t

b. settle f. own settled son d owned son d

c. reach g. love reached son t, loved son d

d. fall h. look fell (un piège car irrégulier) looked son t

2. Recopiez chaque liste de verbes , entourez l’intrus et expliquez brièvement pourquoi. 4 PTS

a. conducted – delivered – competed

b. adored – appeared – hoped

c. frightened – looked – impressed

d. added – smoked – guided


A l’aide des images ci-dessous, racontez une histoire dont le début est :

« Last Friday, Jack…. »

Vous pouvez bien entendu ajouter des éléments de votre propre production (tels que des connecteurs ou des émotions, des sentiments) si cela est en cohérence avec l’histoire.

Vous écrirez entre 50 et 100 mots.







Explications : je t'ai quasiment tout fait (sauf souligner les erreurs j'ai directement corrigé le premier exercice, il ne te reste que le dernier exercice sur les intrus (un dico au pire et c'est réglé) et l'essay. Tu le fais et je te les corrige :)

Réponse :

Exercice No.1

a.  Peter didn’t sing (sang) very well.

b. Did Anne study (studied) French?

c. We did not go (went) to school yesterday.

d. Harry ran (runned) very fast.

e. Did Susan see (saw) you?

f. I kept an eye on Susan in the park (I did kept)

Exercice No.2

a. My mother came early.

b. Did you play tennis yesterday?

c. They did not go to the seaside last weekend.

d. Jack opened his brother’s letter.

Exercice No.3

a. The children were playing in the garden.

b.  What were you doing last night at ten?

c. I was not cheating!

d. My father is repairing the car when he hurt himself.

Exercice No.4

a. Sarah slept ten hours last night.

b. While we were doing the shopping, we met our French teacher!

c. My child was playing in the garden when the postman arrived.

d. Where did you go on holidays last summer?


Exercice No.1

Last night the storm broke out, while Jim was driving back home.

a. Shared  fin prononcé en d

b. settled fin prononcé en d

c. reached fin prononcé en t

d. fell preterit simple de to fall

e. packed  fin prononcé en t

f. owned fin prononcé en d

g. loved fin prononcé en d

h. looked fin prononcé en t


Exercice No.2

a. conducted (conduire), delivered (livrer), competed (concourir) est l’intrus

b. adored (adorer), appeared (INTRUS apparaître), hoped (espérer)

c. frightened (effrayer), looked (INTRUS paraître) et impressed (impressionner)

d. added (ajouter), smoked (INTRUS fumer) et guided  

Last Friday, his alarm clock didn’t ring and naturally when he woke up he realized that he was very late. So late as he had to get ready in 15 minutes. he had no breakfast. he quickly left home and started running like hell with his briefcase. Unfortunately, he slipped on a banana peel. he was knocked out. His hat and his briefcase flew away. He picked them up and got up and I started running again to the bus stop.  he missed his bus. He saw it leaving right in front of me. He took the following one and it got stuck in a traffic jam. He finally arrived very late at work and his boss showed his watch to his employee meaning that he came very late.  

Explications :