
Bonjour a tous je voudrais faire cette exercice mes je n'arrive pas pouvez-vous m'aider svp.
Vous allez devoir choisir une personne décédée qui a marqué l'époque de l'esclavage, guerre civil ou ségrégation aux Etats-Unis.
1. Faire une biographie (15 lignes) : faire des recherches, faire des phrases simples, ne pas faire de copier coller. -> utiliser le prétérit
2. Expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi cette personne et qu'est-ce qu'elle représente maintenant (5-7 lignes)
3. Vous pouvez ajouter des images, texte ou audio.

merci de votre aide

Répondre :

Réponse :

1.Rosa Parks was born in Alabama in the United States in 1913. She was an activist during the Civil rights movement. She became famous the day she refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus. She wasn’t physically tired, she was tired of being treated differently. The first rows on each bus in Montgomery were reserved for white passengers. The bus drivers were used to ask black passengers to move if there was no seat left for white passengers. She was arrested even though she was siting in a row attributed to black passengers. After this act, she lost her job and received death threats for years. She became a symbol of the civil rights movement and she inspired people to raise their voice and end racial segregation. She collaborated with many civil rights leaders namely Martin Luther King. She died at the age of 92 in 2005.

2. I chose this personality because I really like Jay-Z quote ‘ Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama's running so we all can fly’. The dream of an egalitarian society started with her, and I find this admirable because she’s a woman. I can imagine that she was not only discriminated because of her skin colour but also because she’s a woman. She’s an example of civil disobedience and she inspired a lot of people.

Explications : Dans le petit 1) si ce n’est pas assez complet tu peux parler des prix qu’elle a reçue (mais il y en a tellement que c’est dur de choisir) ou des mémorial en son nom.  

En savoir plus sur : https://nosdevoirs.fr/devoir/153054