Bonjour pouver vous m’aider à s’est exercices svp merci d’avance niveau 4eme

Réponse :
Rappel :
La voix Active = Sujet + Verbe + COD
La Voix Passive = Sujet + « BE » ( conjugué au temps de la phrase à la voix active ) + Participe Passé ( 3 ème colonne des verbes irréguliers ) + complément d'agent introduit par " by ".
( Le COD de la voix active devient Sujet de la voix passive.
Le Sujet de la voix active devient Complément d’agent.)
ex I
a) She was invited to the party but she didn’t go.
b) Many road accidents are caused by drunkards!
c) This novel was written years ago but is very modern
d) Don’ leave a tip to the waiter. Service is included
e) A lot of houses were damaged in a storm last week.
ex III
a) An Irishman wrote this book.
b) The police caught the murderers
c) Steven Spielberg directed the film.
d) The forensics collect the clues
5) The police interviewed the witness.
a) All the trains were cancelled because of a power cut.
b) The letter has probably been sent to the wrong address.
c) Our conversation is being recorded.
d) Her medical treatment will be given to Jane tonight.
e) They were questioned by Inspector Moody.
f) The reports were typed by a secretary.
g) Ronnie Biggs was sent to jail by the judge.
h) Two thieves were arrested by the police.
En gras "be" conjugué au temps de la voix active
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