
Bonjour si vous pouvez m'aider ce serais génial,
Voici :

You are a famous writer. Your job consists in transforming this dialogue Into a narrative passage, using Indirect speech.

Utilisez les verbes introducteurs suivants:
Say – ask – reply – want to know – answer.
Prenez bien garde d’effectuer toutes les
transformations nécessaires au passage
au discours indirect. 0,5 par transformations.

movie script :
Malone : “Fighting Al Capone is very dangerous. Do you really know what you are doing ?”
E Ness: “I have promised to do my duty and I will do my best to get Capone !”
Malone : “Do you have a plan ?”
E Ness : “Capone doesn’t know my face. He will infiltrate his gang, and then I will find his weak point.”

Malone said ___
Eliot Ness ___
Malone ___
Eliot Ness ___


Répondre :

Réponse :


Malone said that fighting Al Capone was very dangerous and he asked Eliot Ness if he really knew what he was doing.

Eliot Ness replied that he had promised to do his duty and would do his best to get Capone.

Malone wanted to know if he had a plan.

Eliot Ness answered that Capone didn’t know his face and that he would infiltrate his gang and then, he would find his weak point.

Explications :

Lorsque l’on passe du discours direct au discours indirect, il faut respecter la concordance des temps.

le présent de vient prétérit au discours indirect.

le présent be+ing devient prétérit be+ing au discours indirect.

present perfect devient past perfect au discours indirect.

will devient would au discours indirect


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