
Bonjour j’ai un devoir maison a faire en anglais pour le jeudi 26 novembre
Merci de votre réponse 10 phrases minimum argumentées et illustrés par des exemples
- Utiliser au moins une fois: used to / had to / couldn't / une phrase à la voix passive
- SAUTER DES LIGNES: oubli de saut de ligne = -1
- SOIGNER l'écriture : faire un brouillon AVANT (feuille torchon ou mal présentée = -2)
- NE PAS taper des phrases entières sur google trad = charabia
- Utiliser ses leçons et surtout son cerveau

My favorite device at the moment is / The invention that I find the most convenient/ useful / clever / astute / smart is the ….......................
I think it's very ….............. because ….......................
It was invented in …................... by ….....................
It is made of ….........................
It's the size of ….......................
Before it was invented, people used to............ and had to …....................... and couldn't …...............
Now we can just …................. and it is very …...........................
I couldn't live without it because …......................

Répondre :

Réponse : salut voila les réponses :)

Explications :

My favorite device at this moment is my phone, because we can do everything whit it !

The invention that I find the most clever is fork-spoon.

I think it's very difficult because I don't know how to do it.

It was invented in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.

It's made of plastic.

It's the size of my shirt.

Before it was invented, people used to washed clothing by hand and had to scrub and couldn't dry quickly. Now we can just  use the washing machine and it's effortless.

I couldn't live without it because I'm obsess.