
Bonjour vous pouvez m'aider s'il vous plait je vous en serez très reconnaissante. voila l'exercice ci dessous:
Complete the sentences with “must / mustn’t / needn’t”.
We haven’t got much time, we ... hurry.
We have enough food at home so we … go shopping.
Amanda gave me a letter to post, I … remember to post it.
Amanda gave me a letter to post, I ... forget to post it.
Just help yourself if you’d like more biscuits, you ... ask first.
This is a valuable book. You … look after it carefully
and you ... lose it.
I understand the situation perfectly, you … explain further.
What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? Well, it
… be big, that’s not important but it ... have a
garden, that’s essential!
sil vous plait je vous en serez très reconnaissant.

Répondre :

Réponse :

Must / Needn't / Must / Mustn't / needn't / must / mustn't / needn't / mustn't / must

Explications :

Must used for obligation

Mustn't used for non obligation

Needn't ( example 1 ; means that we have whatever we need so there is no goal from going to the shop // e.g. 2 ; you are not able to ask me each time you need biscuits , i give you the freddom to take it yourself ; there is no need to request me // e.g.3 ; it doesn't matter whether it is big or not all what i care about is having a garden )

I Wish that my explanation is clear . & Good luck .