
bonjour,quelqu'un peut m'aider svp?

pay you back; save up; in debt annual income ; can't afford it; in a sale; be well-off

b) We're not going on holiday this year, because we are short of money
c) Don't worry, next week I'll give you the money you lent me
d) We decided to put money aside so we could buy a small boat.
c) I dont want to end up owing a lot of money to the bank.
e) What exactly is the amount of your earnings every year?
g) I bought my CD-player when the prices were reduced.
h) Mary used to have a lot of money, but she wasted most of it.

Répondre :


Réponse :

b) We're not going on holiday this year, because we are short of money

We're not going on holiday this year, because we can't afford it.

                                                        ( on ne peut pas se l'offrir / se le permettre )

c) Don't worry, next week I'll give you the money you lent me.

Don't worry, next week I'll pay you back.

                                      ( je te rembourserai )

d) We decided to put money aside so we could buy a small boat.

We decided to save up so we could buy a small boat.

                    ( économiser / mettre de l'argent de côté )

c) I dont want to end up owing a lot of money to the bank.

I dont want to end up in debt to the bank.

                         ( en dette / endetté )

e) What exactly is the amount of your earnings every year?

What exactly is your annual income?

                                  ( revenu annuel )

g) I bought my CD-player when the prices were reduced.

I bought my CD-player on sale

                                  ( en solde )

h) Mary used to have a lot of money, but she wasted most of it.

Mary used to be well-off, but she wasted most of it.

            (  être à l'aise ( financièrement ) )