
Bonsoir j'ai besoin d'aide svp c pour demain
1/ Mettre les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient:

IF you (to miss) the bus in the morning , you (to walk)to school?

She (not to know) the answer if someone (to ask) her.

2/ Ecrire 2 questions (1 WH/ 1Yes/no) sur le même schéma que les questions vues en cours (voici des idées: gagner la lotterie/ Perdre son nouveau téléphone portable)

Répondre :



If you miss the bus in the morning, will you walk to school?


If you missed the bus in the morning, would you walk to school?

She won't know the answer if someone asks her.


She wouldn't know the answer if someone asked her.



What would you do if you won the lottery ?

If I won the lottery, I would travel round the world.

What could make you the happiest person ?

I would be the happiest person, if I could live forever young !

I lost my phone, what would you do if you were me ?

If I were you, I would stop lying to my parents saying you were stolen and I would tell the truth.


Bonne soirée