
Est ce que vous pourriez m'aidez, s'il vous plaît je ne comprend vraiment pas​

BonjourEst Ce Que Vous Pourriez Maidez Sil Vous Plaît Je Ne Comprend Vraiment Pas class=

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a- He was wearing a hat.

b- He wasn't playing football.

c- He was eating a sandwich.

d- He wasn't reading a magazine.

e- He wasn't wearing shorts.

f- He was walking in the street.



a- What was Sally wearing at the party last night?

b- Why was Mary crying yesterday evening?

c- Where were your parents living in 2002?

d- What were you looking for ?

e- Where were you running to at 10 o'clock?

f- Who was Ken waiting for with roses ?



a- She went to Rome in 2000.

b- I was reading when Joe phoned me.

c- She was working when she heard a noise

d- Jim was sleeping when the teacher saw him !


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