
Pourriez vous m’aider

Écrire un témoignage relatant la vie des noirs américains dans les années 1950-1960.
Tu étais adolescent dans le sud des États-Unis dans les années 1950/1960, tu es maintenant un homme/une femme âgé(e) et ton petit-fils/ta petite fille t'a demandé d'écrire un témoignage et de raconter tes souvenirs pour son exposé sur la vie des noirs américains à cette époque.

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My beautiful child , Once I had the same age as you but things weren't the same as today . When I had your age i always wanted to go school because my auntie told me that they taught a lot of interesting things , like math for example . My auntie used to tell me a lot of stories of white people lives , it was fascinating and sad at the same time since at that time black people hadn't the same privilege as them , for example school was only for white kids , our neighborhoods , restaurants, libraries ,public toilets were separated , we were always separated, but the thing is that we were left with the ugliest , tiniest , dirtiest corners . It was terrible but at that time everyone normalized it and today we should act together to fight against racism which is still present.