
Mets les phrases suivantes au passif (9 points)

My neighbour had a car crash yesterday
A woman with a baby called the police
The policemen stopped the traffic and closed the road
The paramedics examined my neighbour and took him to hospital
Every year people provoke car crashes because they do not respect the trafficlights
Every year firemen save people from extreme situations


Mets Les Phrases Suivantes Au Passif 9 Points My Neighbour Had A Car Crash Yesterday A Woman With A Baby Called The PoliceThe Policemen Stopped The Traffic And class=

Répondre :



1- A car crash was had by my neighbour yesterday.

2- The police was called by a woman with a baby.

3- The traffic was stopped and the road was closed by the policemen.

4- My neighbour was examined and taken to the hospital by the paramedics.

5- Every year, car crashes are provoked by people because the traffic lights are not respected.

6- Every year people are saved by the firemen from an extreme situation.


Présent voix passive =>

be ( au présent) + participe passé

Prétérit voix passive =>

Be ( au prétérit) + participe passé


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