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1 ) Complétez par un pronom personnel sujet : I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they

Adolescence is difficult .......can sometimes be hell for some young people. When Megan Fox was young,...... was bullied because...... wanted To become an actress. The other teenagers were so jealous of her that ...... pelted her with ketchup.


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Bonjour ,

Adolescence is difficult. It can sometimes be hell for some young people. When Megan Fox was young, she was bullied because she wanted To become an actress. The other teenagers were so jealous of her that they pelted her with ketchup.

Explications :

  • I : je.
  • You : tu.
  • She : elle.
  • He : il.
  • It : il / elle pour qualifier un objet ou un animal.
  • We : Nous.
  • You : Vous (utilisé de la même façon que le You > Tu)
  • They : Ils / elles / objets ou animaux.