
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour ces exercices ?​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Ces Exercices class=

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Exercice 1 :

a) I have had this tablet for two months.

b) You have had a boyfriend for two months.

c) He has known this story for a long time.

d) She has had this tablet since Christmas and it's already broken.

e) They have just downloaded an important file.

Exercice 2 :

a) Sandy has just seen something weird and scary.

b) Or she has heard something awful.

c) She has never been so scared in her whole life.

d) She is really nervous. She knows something dreadful has happened.

e) She has just screamed a shock and as loud as possible to call for help.

Exercice 3 :

a) Dan has been on the phone for hours. Get off the phone now!

b) Leo has known Jenny for two months.

Voilà, bonne soirée.

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