Bonjour mon devoirs est à rendre pour demain si quelqu’un pourrait me le compléter je vous en serai fidèle!

L'obligation future en anglais =>
will have to + Base Verbale
La capacité future =>
will be able to + Base Verbale
La permission future =>
will be allowed to + Base Verbale
a- Space tourists will have to pay $100,000 for a space trip. (obligation future)
b- Participants in the Mars One Project probably won't be able to come back from Mars. (absence de capacité future)
c- In the future we will have to colonize new planets to ensure our survival. (obligation future)
d- Human living on Mars won't have to come back to Earth if they don't want to. (absence d'obligation future)
e- Space tourists will be able to expérience zero gravity. (capacité future)
f- Hannah will be allowed to touch a moon rock during her visit at Houston Space Centre. ( permission future)
Bonne journée