Bonjours quelqu’un peut il m’aidez à mon devoirs s’il vous plaît je ne comprend pas !
Merci !!!

a- She often comes on Wednesdays.(présent simple)
b- He chose a new partner for the presentation. ( Prétérit simple)
c- One day I will be famous !(futur simple)
I'm going to be famous ( futur proche)
d- He invited her to the cinema last Friday. (prétérit)
e- Look at the dogs! They are playing in the garden. ( présent be + -ing)
f- I would like to go with them if I could. ( Modal would)
g- I'm working while my brother is playing the guitare.(present be + -ing)
h- He never stops shouting at us.(present simple)
i- They will receive their new passeports tomorrow. (futur simple)
j- They have completed / They complete the laboratory analyses . ( Présent perfect ou present simple) ???
Bonne journée